Non-Euro Mini-League

Guest post by Chris Martin aka Sutton_Chris

Right ladies and gentlemen, who’s up for a Dream Team challenge with a twist? I’m going to set up a non-euro mini league this season, which as the title suggests, will only allow you to select players from the teams not playing in Europe this season (Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd, Chelsea, Leicester, Arsenal and Spurs).

As a trial run for this season it’s going to be free to enter but if all goes well, I’ll probably look at setting it up as a Cash League next season.

I’ve tried to keep the rules as simple as I can and to avoid complications so here is a rundown of the rules of engagement:

– Only players at clubs with NO European involvement this season are eligible (no Liverpool, City, United, Chelsea, Leicester, Arsenal & Spurs players allowed).

– The club associated to each player when the season kicks off remains the same (for the purposes of this mini-league) for the season entirety.

IE if Henderson of Man United got loaned out in January to Sheffield Utd he would STILL be INELIGIBLE for the purposes of this game as he started the season at United (Euro club).

Conversely if Jimenez joined Spurs in January, he would STILL be ELIGIBLE for selection in this ML as his initial club was a non-euro club. (It can all get a bit messy and complicated otherwise).

– 3 players from any one club limit.

– One team entry per person.

For those interested in submitting a team, the pin is SG2TFZ59.

Obviously a bit of self-governance is required guys. All normal SDT rules apply folks except the ones stated above. Good luck folks.


29 thoughts on “Non-Euro Mini-League

  1. Thanks for this Chris – it’s a great idea and I’ll certainly be giving it a go

    1. Thanks for the upload onto your site Paul. 👍🏻

      Will be interesting to see how this ones goes…

      1. No problem at all Chris – thanks for thinking of it. It will be interesting as the season progresses to give us something else to talk about on here.

  2. Do all the rules make sense? I found it quite tricky wording it all without making it sound too complicated and making the T’s & C’s themselves too complicated.

    At least by keeping it free to enter this season, any wrinkles that pop up could be ironed out for next season without too much hassle.

  3. Cheers Chris, I have entered my team.

    I have always been a fan of players outside the big clubs, they are players most of use don’t know much about and so have that aura of mystery which I find most interesting. Agree that players like Sterling, Salah and other big names are essential for dream team success but I find them a bit boring to pick (and write about, I do a fair bit to keep myself busy) as they are well known and we know the strengths and weaknesses. These little guys are pushed aside and (rightly or wrongly?) ignored.

    I have a wide range of player knowledge (I use a lot of players from outside the big clubs in TFF as the budget is more restrictive than Sun game) so hope to do well in this mini league.

    1. I thought it would be right up your street my friend and thanks for giving me the nudge to get it set-up. Good potential this ML I’m reckoning as all of a sudden the FPL Twitter debates will now always apply to this game too!

    1. Absolutely Tom – just a free to play 1 team mini league. I’ll get it set up when I get a moment

    1. Welcome to the site MF! Great to see new subscribers arriving and hopefully we’ll get some more before the season starts. Put the word out on your social media platforms guys to see if we can bump up the numbers further!

  4. 17 teams entered thus far. 👌🏼

    Genuinely interested to see how this one pans out and if we stumble across any complications with running it. If it all goes well I’d love to run it as a cash league next season.

    1. Must admit, I didn’t struggle to pick a team for this one 😂. 5 minutes and I was happy with it. If only I could say that for my main team.

  5. Hi Chris.

    Could be too late in the day for this suggestion, but, whilst composing my team it struck me we may all end up with a decent amount of similar players. (Or at least players from similar teams.)

    So I wondered mate what are your thoughts on a maximum of one player from each prem team?

  6. To be fair Badge the very same thought had crossed my mind. I think now that I’ve launched the ML though I don’t want to mess people around with rule changes and cause confusion with everyone.

    For next season though (when it will hopefully be a cash league) I reckon this is a rule I’d be quite keen on. Nice and simple rule but increases the challenge and makes it even more interesting imo.

    Thanks Badge. Really appreciate any suggestions and ideas guys with this mini-league idea being in its infancy. Also if anyone spots any potential pitfalls as the season progresses please flag them up. I want to iron out all the creases by the end of this season so we have a well-oiled ML to engage in next season as a Cash League.

    If anyone fancies the job of being the Mini-League moderator (ie checking on teams within the ML from time to time to ensure all the rules and regs are being met) please let me know and I’ll sign you up right away! 😂

    I will of course do this myself if there are no takers (understandably so). With work and family commitments though it might not be as often as I’d like that’s all.

    (Disclaimer: For the person who does volunteer to be ML moderator, if and when we have a meet up, you’ll be entitled to three pints of your favourite tipple from yours truly. 🍺) *who says bribery doesn’t work…😉

    1. Two teams it looks like.

      Team 1- All in europe except Traore
      Team 2- Three Leicester players entered.

      I will sign up to be the moderator for this league.

      P.S. Doherty is not allowed as well.

      1. Thanks so much RR, that really is a huge help and there’s a few drinks in it for you IF we ever get to meet up! With my app struggling to show me opponents teams in ML’s I really appreciate you guys flagging up the folks who have…….how shall I put this…….not quite got it! 🤦😂

        Looks like we have quite a few instant disqualifications.

  7. Right guys, here’s a list of managers who’s teams need to be classed as null and void in the non-euro Mini-League and the reasons behind this:

    Lee Rhoden – fielding more than one team, fielding players involved in European competition in first team, fielding Ricardo Pereira in second team.

    Donald Burns – fielding Matt Doherty (Spurs)

    Darren Chapman – Fielding 4 Wolves players (3 per club max rule broken)

    Grant Yates – Fielding 5 Wolves players (3 per club max rule broken)

    Zac Wightman – Fielding Matt Doherty (Spurs)

    Bit disappointed to have to disqualify teams on GW 1 tbh and i don’t think it bodes well for rolling it out next season as a cash league if I’m honest. If the rules and regs weren’t clear enough I can only apologise.

    We’ll keep on going for those remaining teams though and hopefully it can all settle down now.

    Let me know if I’ve missed anyone out RR (or if anyone else spots anything). Thanks guys. 👍🏻

    1. I’m going to leave it with RR to decide the penalty for breach of rules for the league guys as I think he’s way more capable than myself in handling this. There may be a reprieve for some with RR talking about possible penalties rather than instant disqualification. Thanks again for being moderator RR. 👍🏻

      1. Yeah, it’s good that I have mercy (been watching Cobra Kai recently).

        Anyways thinking minus 10 points for each illegal player and their points for the highest scoring illegal player for the week won’t count. Or is the penalties too soft?

        Will have to do a manual table. Try to do a table once a week.

        The team in Europe would be banned though.

        1. Awesome RR. Sounds like we’re in very capable hands mate. The choice of punishment is all yours to decide! Top man! 👊

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